Oregon’s Governor, Kate Brown visited EBARA


October 28, 2015

On October 14, Oregon delegation led by the Oregon’s Governor, Kate Brown visited EBARA CORPORATION (“EBARA”).

In the state of Oregon, USA, many semiconductor-related companies have their bases. Ebara Technologies Inc. (“ETI”), headquartered in California, commenced its support in Oregon for products by EBARA’s Precision Machinery Company from 1989. In June, 2015, ETI opened its new technical support center, and is planning further expansion. Governor Kate Brown expressed gratitude for this investment and commented that the state government would provide continuous support to EBARA. Governor and EBARA also exchanged opinions regarding the possibility of a contribution to Oregon and its growth by EBARA’s Fluid Machinery and Systems Company.

The day before the visit, Toichi Maeda, president, and Manabu Tsujimura, senior managing executive officer, were invited to the reception by Ambassador, Caroline Kennedy and met with many other invitees.

EBARA aims to further contribute to business expansion of customers in Oregon and other states in USA by enhancing its technical support and service capabilities, and would like to grow together.

Governor of Oregon Kate Brown and EBARA President Toichi Maeda and
Senior Managing Director Manabu Tsujimura (at EBARA’s Head Office)