EBARA CORPORATION (EBARA) discloses the information that includes the scenario analysis of climate-related risks and opportunities based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
In our long-term vision, “E-Vision 2030”, we aim to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by implementing measures such as reducing GHG emissions in an amount equivalent to around 100 million tons of CO2. EBARA recognizes climate change as one of the biggest challenges around the globe. We endorsed and signed TCFD in May 2019 and have been publishing the information based on the TCFD recommendations since 2020.
Upon the disclosure, we assessed climate-related risks and opportunities that might influence the businesses of the EBARA Group and identified the impact with a range of scenarios mainly resulting from climate change factors, which include the well-below two degree Celsius scenario. In the meantime, we will consider the climate-related financial disclosure as well.
EBARA will continuously upgrade our measures as well as disclosure on climate change through communication with stakeholders.
The EBARA Group aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing material issues identified in its long-term vision and executing the medium-term management plan to increase corporate value.