A message by Chairman Maeda of EBARA CORPORATION
posted on ICGN's Linkedin
EBARA CORPORATION (EBARA) has recently joined the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN)*, an international organization aiming at efficient global markets and sustainable economic development through effective corporate governance and improvement of stewardship.
The EBARA Group has established the “EBARA Way,” composed of its “Founding Spirit,” “Corporate Philosophy” and the “EBARA Group CSR Policy” as the EBARA Group’s identity and set of values to be shared across the Group. Under the EBARA Way, EBARA upholds the enhancement of corporate value through sustainable business development and sharing the results with all stakeholders including shareholders as its most important management objectives. To achieve such objectives, EBARA constantly seeks the best possible corporate governance and strives toward its further enhancement.
Through participation in ICGN, EBARA will deepen our knowledge related to advanced global corporate governance and further improve our corporate governance system to achieve sustainable increases in corporate value.
The EBARA Group aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing material issues identified in its long-term vision and executing the medium-term management plan to increase corporate value.

from Kerrie Waring, Chief Executive Officer, ICGN
“ICGN is delighted to welcome Ebara Corporation to the ICGN Membership as a champion of high standards of corporate governance practice in Japan. As these standards continue to evolve around the world we rely on leaders in the field to share their valuable experience and knowledge to improve market practice. We therefore welcome prestigious companies such as Ebara to join ICGN’s network led by global investors responsible for assets under management of $70 trillion to work together in preserving and enhancing long term corporate value, ultimately contributing to sustainable economies, societies and the environment.”
Led by investors responsible for assets under management of US$70 trillion, and bringing together companies and stakeholders, ICGN advances the highest standards of corporate governance and investor stewardship worldwide in pursuit of long-term value creation, contributing to healthy and sustainable economies, society, and environment. This is achieved through a comprehensive international work program based around three core activities:
• Influence: Promoting ICGN Principles as investor-led global standards for governance and stewardship and influencing public policy and professional practice.
•Connect: Delivering high-quality global events and webinars with unrivalled opportunities for networking, knowledge-sharing and collaboration.
• Inform: Enhancing professionalism in governance and stewardship practice through information and education.