EBARA CORPORATION (EBARA) has updated the information based on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
EBARA recognizes climate change as one of the biggest challenges around the globe. We endorsed and signed TCFD in May 2019 and have been publishing the information based on the TCFD recommendations since 2020. Upon TCFD recommendations, we have updated information on governance and scenario analysis on climate-related risks and opportunities for businesses in the oil and gas market as well as the semiconductor market.
With regards to governance, as we launched a project in order to achieve carbon neutral in 2050. The project is identifying issues for the goal as the EBARA Group. In terms of scenario analyses of strategies, climate-related risks and opportunities were analyzed and financial impacts and countermeasures were updated for each of the following businesses: the main markets were LNG related facilities and downstream areas (oil refining, production of petrochemicals etc.), as well as the Precision Machinery businesses, which are the main markets for manufacturing semiconductors that are essential for the initiatives of Society5.0, electric vehicles, and the development of various products and technologies to realize decarbonization.
We will continuously work on our climate change initiatives and information disclosure through communication with stakeholders.
The EBARA Group aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing material issues identified in its long-term vision and executing the medium-term management plan to increase corporate value.