Ebara Engineering Review

Archive for the year 2006

No.213 Oct. 2006 Issue

No.212 Jul. 2006 Issue

No.211 Apr. 2006 Issue

Abatement by Dry Reaction of Perfluoro Compounds Gases for Microchip Manufacturing

by Masaaki OSATO, Tadakazu NISHIKAWA, & Yoichi MORI
The Global Warming effect is a problem of worldwide concern and at the Third Conference of the Parties (COP3) to the Framework Convention on Climatic Change (FCCC), held in Kyoto, Japan on December 1997, determination was reached that there was a need to reduce the emission of perfluoro compounds during microchip manufacturing. This so-called Kyoto Protocol started off national and regional engagement towards perfluoro compounds abatement on a worldwide scale. Consequently, fired thermal type and electrical thermal type (including that which uses catalysts) perfluoro compounds containing exhaust gas treatment systems started being used. However, this has led to an increase in the load on wastewater treatment systems of semi-conductor manufacturing plants, as fluorides produced after decomposition are treated using water in such treatment systems. The following introduces a solution to this, a newly developed dry chemical-reaction type exhaust gas treatment system which is capable of high-efficiency perfluoro compound decomposition and which adsorbs decomposed fluorides into adsorbants without releasing them into the wastewater flow.

Perfluoro compounds, Global warming effect gas, Chemical reaction type for PFCs, Hydrogen fluoride, Electrical thermal type with catalyst, Fired thermal type, Electrical thermal type, Chemical reaction and physical adsorption type, Wet treatment type, Calcium fluoride

No.210 Jan. 2006 Issue