Development of High-temperature Erosion-corrosion Resistant Thermal Spray Alloy for Biomass Fuel
Report No.1: Alloy Development through Laboratory Testing
Waste incinerators / Biomass power generation plants
Research Papers
The self-fusing alloy spraying, which is performed as a countermeasure to the thinning of the in-bed tube of the fluidized bed boiler , requires periodic maintenance due to erosion-corrosion caused by the synergistic effects of corrosion caused by fuel-derived chlorine and erosion caused by the continuous impingement of the flowing medium. In order to reduce maintenance costs, we have developed a self-fusing alloy with excellent erosion-corrosion resistance. We have developed a small fluidized bed test apparatus that can simulate actual equipment, investigated the effects of constituent elements of SFNi4, a conventional material, developed an improved alloy, and proposed a erosion-corrosion mechanism.