Ebara Fujisawa Plant
Solar power panels installed at Fujisawa Plant
Ebara Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 by reducing GHG emissions within the company and its value chain.
●The EBARA Group aims to achieve carbon neutrality across its value chain by 2050
●We will support customers in reducing GHG emission through our products and contribute to the realization of a carbon-neutral society
*GHG:Greenhouse Gas
*1:WBCSD: World Business Council for Sustainable Development
*This target aligns with the Paris Agreement aim to limit temperature increase to under 1.5℃ and is based on Science Based Targets (SBT) standards. We have submitted a commitment letter in June 2024, declaring our intention to obtain SBT certification (short-term goal) within two years.
●Increasing procurement and use of low-CO2 electricity
●Upgrades for energy-intensive equipment
●Expanding fuel electrification and procurement of renewable energy
●Increasing solar power installation
●Transitioning to alternative refrigerants
▼Examples of solar power generation equipment introduction
Solar power panels installed at Fujisawa Plant
Solar power panels installed at Ebara Refrigeration Systems in China
Internal carbon pricing (ICP)
The ICP price is set at 10,000 JPY/t-CO2, and we use it as an indicator of the unit price of the environmental value related to renewable energy electricity procurement.
*This target aligns with the Paris Agreement aim to limit temperature increase to well below 2℃ and is based on Science Based Targets (SBT) standards. We have submitted a commitment letter in June 2024, declaring our intention to obtain SBT certification (short-term goal) within two years.
●Providing energy-efficient products
●Further engagement with customers and suppliers
●Adopting milk run logistics for parts procurement
The cumulative amount of CO2 equivalent emissions that EBARA products, sold from 2023 to 2030 and meeting the requirements set out in the Guidance on Avoided Emissions, can reduce over their lifetime
WBCSD Guidance on Avoided Emissions Requirements
●SBT Scope 1,2 and 3 disclosure
●Excludes activities relating to fossil fuels, including exploration, mining, and/or production, distribution, and sale
●Demonstrate difference with reference scenario
●Energy-efficient building and industrial equipment (pumps)
●Efficiency improvements and upgrade services for compressors and turbines (Engineered services)
●High-efficiency water pumping systems for municipal and agricultural use
●Biomass power generation
The cumulative amount of CO2 equivalent emissions that EBARA products sold from 2023 to 2030, as specified by our company, can reduce over their lifetime
Ebara-specific GHG Reduction Requirements
●Provide energy savings to LNG plants through our products
●Enable the decomposition and removal of high-global-warming-potential PFC gases without combustion of fossil fuels in semiconductor manufacturing processes
We can contribute to energy savings at LNG plants through our products by recovering the energy from the excess pressure when storing LNG in tanks and generating electricity
●Gas Abatement Systems
・Combustion type using hydrogen fuel
・Fluorine fixation type
・Dry type etc.
By developing and providing products and services that contribute to reducing GHG emissions, such as for hydrogen and ammonia, we support the realization of a carbon-neutral society
Inquiry about sustainability