Environmental Data

EBARA Group’s Business Activities and Environmental Impact

We determine and strive to reduce the environmental impact resulting from our business activities.

Input & Output Data

As of May, 2021

EBARA: Data of No.1 in the “List of ISO 14001-registered organizations

Group consolidated companies: Aggregated data of No. 2~4,6~8 companies in the “List of ISO 14001-registered organizations

combined with EBARA-BYRON JACKSON, LTD., Ebara Agency Co., Ltd. and EBARA Shonan Sports Center Inc.

Overseas Group (Manufacturing Sites): Cumulative data of 32 overseas companies with large environmental impact (i.e., manufacturing sites, etc.) The coverage rate is 85% of employees.

The discharge factor is based on the annual value according to the Energy Conservation Law.

Key Environmental Data

Material recycling rate and landfill disposal rate

We will continue our efforts to separate and reduce waste, raise our material recycling rate and lower our final landfill disposal rate.
*EBARA changed its fiscal year-end from March 31 to December 31, accordingly, environmental data aggregation is calculated as follows:
FY2016: April of the same year to March of the following year
FY2017: April to December
From FY2018: January to December

Change in CO2 emissions (Electric power and fuel-derived)

We will endeavor to reduce CO2 emissions continuously towards by taking various energy-saving measures such as applying insulating paint coatings, replacing old equipment and lighting with more efficient, energy-saving versions.

*EBARA changed its fiscal year-end from March 31 to December 31, effective from December 31, 2017. Accordingly, environmental data aggregation is calculated as follows:
FY2016: April of the same year to March of the following year

FY2017: April to December
From FY2018: January to December

Drinking water, industrial water and groundwater consumption data

We are working on the circulation use of pump test water, the reduction and reuse of water discharged from pure water production equipment, and the circulation use of cooling water for electric furnaces.

*EBARA changed its fiscal year-end from March 31 to December 31, effective from December 31, 2017. Accordingly, environmental data aggregation is calculated as follows:
FY2016: April of the same year to March of the following year
From FY2017: January of the same year to December of the same year
Data from January 2017 to March 2017 is included in both FY2016 and FY2017 results.

Chemical Emissions Data

We will continue to take measures to decrease these emissions through the use of low-VOC paints, prevention of VOC discharge to the atmosphere, and improvement of painting means.

*For annual figures comparation, environmental data aggregation is calculated as follows:
FY2017: April of the same year to March of the following year
Since FY2018: January to December
Data from January 2018 to March 2018 is included in both FY2017 and FY2018 results.

Major Japanese business facility data

We monitor and disclose a range of environmental data at the Futtsu District, Fujisawa District, Kumamoto District, Sodegaura District and Suzuka District.

Environmental Accounting

We have introduced environmental accounting to effectively allocate resources for environmental protection and to let everyone know about EBARA's environmental efforts.

Target Period


Target Organization

Ebara single unit[Haneda Plast,Futtsu Plant,Fujisawa Plant,Sodegaura Plant,Kumamoto Plant,Branch Company/Branch Office/Sales Office]

Unit:Million Yen

Cost Categories Capital
Main lnvestment・Expenses Main Effect
Pollution Prevention Cost 43  33  Maintenance and Management of Wastewater Treatment Facilities Compliance with Laws, Agreements and our Voluntary Standards
Global Environmental Protection Costs 227  0  Air Conditioner Update
LED lighting
Reduction of Energy Consumption
Waste Disposal・Recycling Costs 0  113  Waste Disposal Costs Prevention of Environmental Pollution
Environmental Management Activity Costs 4  170  ISO 14001 Maintenance and Recertification Audit Costs
Environmental Data Management System Maintenance Costs
Maintenance and lmprovement of EMS
Avoiding Environmental Risks
Costs related to Social Efforts to reduce Environmental lmpact 0  4  Donations,etc. Communication with Stakeholders
Costs related to Environmental Protection 0  0 
Total 274  320 

*1 Depreciation is not included in the cost.

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