Health Management

Health Management strategy map

EBARA Group Health and Productivity Management Declaration

Masao Asami
President and Representative Executive Officer
January 1, 2023

It is an important requirement that all people working in the EBARA Group are healthy both mentally and physically in order for the EBARA Group to achieve sustainable development and growth. Furthermore, health is the wish of each and every employee and his or her family, and is an important foundation for the company as well.

The EBARA Group prioritizes safety and health, including work-life balance and mental health, based on CSR policies and code of conduct. We will promote the creation of a safe, secure and comfortable workplace where employees can fully demonstrate their abilities. The EBARA Group will continue to actively promote health management in the future.

Strategy map

Health and Productivity Management KPI

We have set the following KPIs for further health and productivity management.

Category Item FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 KPI
Health check Health checkup rate 100% 100% report later 100%
Re-examination/complete examination rate 54.80% 57.30% report later 100%
Prevention of lifestyle-related diseases Specific health guidance participation rate 46.10% 48.50% report later 60%
Specific health guidance implementation rate 39.80% 38.90% report later 50%
Life Improvement Program Participation Rate 16.00% 19.10% 19.1%
(as of September 2022)
smoking Smoking cessation program participants 1 person 1 person 30 people
(as of September 2022)
30 people
Reduction in smoking rate (all employees) 22.00% 21.20% 19.70% 17%
sleep Percentage getting 6 or more hours of sleep 42.50% 43.10% 43.20% 60%
mental health Stress check acceptance rate 95.70% 95.50% 93.80% 95%
Stress check
stress reaction deviation value
55 49 49.3 55
Stress check
work engagement deviation value
49 50.8 51.2 55
(proportion of productivity loss)
34.90% 35.60% report later 30%
work life balance Paid leave (vacation) acquisition rate 70.70% 75.85% report later 80%

* Aggregation is performed by Ebara Corporation on a non-consolidated basis.

Measures to Enhance Safety and Health

EBARA implements various measures to encourage employees to maintain both physically and mentally healthy lifestyles. Some major domestic Group initiatives include:
In addition, the measures related to each final health-related indicators index in the health management strategy map are shown in ●.

Measures Implementation Matters Absentism Presentism Work
Thorough Measures to Prevent Infectious Diseases
To prevent infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and Influenza, the EBARA Group is implementing a variety of measures to create an environment in which employees can work safely.
・ Thorough infection control measures by establishing a guideline for prevention of COVID-19 infection.
・Body temperature checks at the time of admission, Avoid the Three Cs, and Management of fever and sick physical conditions
・On-line interviews with industrial physicians and health guidance
・Influenza vaccination in each office
・Workplace vaccination of COVID-19 vaccine
・Setting up a timer for hand washing
EBARA Group's regular health checkup implementation rate 100%
Re-examination/ detailed examination implementation rate 100%
With the goal of 100% regular health check-up rate for the EBR Group (in Japan), we are striving for employee health management and early detection of lifestyle-related diseases.
By encouraging employees who need a detailed examination in their regular health checkups to visit a medical institution, we aim to achieve a 100% re-examination / detailed examination implementation rate.
By preparing a system that allows the past five years of health checkup results to be viewed on the web, we have created an environment that allows for year-to-year comparisons.
Promote collaborative health with health insurance association
In collaboration with the EBARA Health Insurance Association, health staff in each clinic, including industrial physicians, conduct specific health guidance at four business sites of the EBARA. In addition, we will support to improve the consultation rate by making it possible for employees to visit during working hours.
We will also help to prevent lifestyle-related diseases by promoting similar specific health guidance for people under 40 years of age.
We will introduce a health incentive system and aim to improve health literacy.
Effort for health promotion
We are planning programs to promote health and improve lifestyle-related diseases such as "E-walk plus" , "dietary modification program" or"sleep improvement program".
Introducing the wearable terminal “Fitbit”, it visualizes not only the number of steps but also sleep, heart rate, used calories, etc. In addition, using the AI health app "Caromama Plus", we will give advice on calorie intake and salt intake, and at the same time promote self-management by recording blood pressure measurement results.
In addition, by installing a balance ball chair in the meeting corner, we will support the improvement of employees' health and the elimination of lack of exercise.
We will plan and implement various lectures on health promotion and lifestyle prevention.
Passive smoking countermeasures
With the revision of the Health Promotion Act in April 2020, all sites of indoors in the EBARA group was non-smoking to prevent passive smoking.
From 2023, we will start to consider smoking cessation during working hours.
In addition, we conducted a non-smoking awareness event measurement of pulmonary age and “smokerizer” use. We will continue to provide support such as subsidizing treatment costs for those who wish to quit smoking.
Addressing Women-Specific Diseases
We will hold seminars to understand women's specific diseases and enlighten them to undergo cancer screening. For lectures on " Women's Specific cancer ", an online consultation session will be held by a gynecologist for applicants.
We have set up a counseling service for women, and we are now responding to consultations from employees regarding women's diseases.
Efforts to Consider the Elderly We are conducting self-checks and measurement sessions to prevent muscle weakness and lower back pain not only for re-employed employees, but also for employees who have decreased their activity levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Efforts to Support Employees on Administrative Leave
・ We will set up "child-rearing support rooms" at 4 offices to support breastfeeding and improve the support system for employees on maternity leave and after childcare leave.
・ We will strengthen support for employees on administrative leave through the management system for employees on administrative leave.
・ Establishment of an early return support system for employees on administrative leave (including childcare leave and maternity leave).
Initiatives Related to Stress Check
During the stress check, the EBARA Group measures not only early detection of mental disorders, but also engagement. We are working on various measures to improve engagement. For managers: "Mental health measures","Harassment Prevention Training" and "Line care education".
For all employees: Online course "Mindfulness training", "Improving awareness of life events (nursing care, maternity leave, etc.)" and "Training with cognitive behavioral therapy" etc.
In addition to setting up a mental health consultation desk, we informed employees of self-checks and counseling using KOKOROBO.
Promoting communication through online utilization
On the enterprise social network "Currents", we distributed lectures by industrial physicians and mindfulness yoga courses, and introduced a quick lunch recipe for telework. We support to relieve stress and promote communication between employees.
Since the EBARA Cultural Sports Festival cannot hold regular sports competitions, we are planning some online events twice a month.
Follow-up System for Overtime Employees
We conduct physical condition questionnaires and interviews with doctors, and take appropriate measures for overtime workers.
Supporting Work Style Reforms
We are implementing a variety of measures to promote work style reforms.
・Promotion of Ebara New Workstyle (ENW)
・Increasing the percentage of paid vacation
・Promotion of remotework and workcation
・Land-line phone reducing project, etc.

Global Health Issue Measures
Global health issues, such as infectious diseases like AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, are addressed through activities such as identifying high-risk travel destinations and providing employees going on business trips to those areas with surgical masks and relevant information, subsidized vaccinations, etc.

Global crisis emergency planning is also in place and we ensure employees register the locations they will travel during their business trip, are aware of important emergency medical response information through provision of emergency health card, and other measures to ensure their health and safety while traveling overseas.

Organizational Structure

In order to ensure that each employee is physically and psychologically healthy, we will develop a health and safety plan for promoting health and productive management and operate a PDCA cycle.
Based on the safety and health plan of each business site deliberated by the Central Safety and Health Committee which promotes safety and health activities throughout the EBARA Group, and reported to the Sustainability Committee, we will work on continuous improvement across the entire EBARA Group.

External Recognition

EBARA has been certified as the 2023 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations (White 500) in large enterprise category

EBARA corporationhas been certified as a 2023 Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization (large enterprise category (White 500)) selected by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi. Large enterprise and small and medium-sized enterprise that practice excellent health management are certified as Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi, based on the health promotion model presented by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi. In the large enterprise category, the top 500 companies among the applicants have been certified as the "White 500.

EBARA has been certified as the 2023 Sports Yell Company

EBARA Corporation has been certified as a “Sports Yell Company 2023” by the Japan Sports Agency as a company that actively promotes and supports sports activities to improve the employee's health. The Japan Sports Agency promotes the implementation of sports for the prime age workers who lack exercise and fosters social momentum for sports. The Japan Sports Agency certifies companies that make efforts to implement sports to improve the health of their employees as "Sports Yell Company.

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