Occupational Safety


EBARA Group Safety and Health Policy

In keeping with our commitment to “sustain a safe workplace and strive for a stimulating work environment,” as defined in the EBARA Group CSR Policy, the EBARA Group has determined a policy on safety and health. For the construction and maintenance of workplace environments in which safety and health, including the achievement of a proper work-life balance and good mental health, are priorities over all other concerns, the EBARA Group executes the following for employees, staff, subcontractors, and all people who work at/for the EBARA Group or in our facilities.

1. Priority on safety and health

We shall strive to eradicate labor accidents with an awareness that the safety and health of directors, employees, and all other people who work at or for the EBARA Group are priorities over all other concerns.

2. Maintenance and execution of of a safety and health management system

We shall maintain and execute a sound safety and health management system, conduct effective management, and continuously implement improvements based on risk assessments and other best practices.

3. Heightening safety and health awareness

We shall enhance activities to prevent accidents and disasters, augment safety and health education in areas such as training on foreknowledge of risks (KYT), and otherwise take measures to heighten awareness of safety and health.

4. Compliance with laws and regulations

We shall observe the Industrial Safety and Health Act and all other laws and regulations related to safety and health as well as our in-house rules related to safety and health.

Masao Asami
President and Representative Executive Officer, EBARA Corporation
January 1, 2020

Overview of Occupational Safety and Health Management System

The Central Safety and Health Committee sets the EBARA Group’s overall policy and companywide safety and health plan. Safety and health plans are then created by each in-house company, each group company, and progress is checked and managed through the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle. Matters deliberated by the Central Safety and Health Committee are reported to the President, Representative Executive Officer and Sustainability Committee, which is attended voluntarily by the directors and overseen by the Board. The entire company is committed to continuous improvement to eradicate occupational accidents and promote health management.

The Central Safety and Health Committee formulates the overall policy and companywide plans based on the results of the discussions held every month by The Safety and Health Promotion Council. The Safety and Health Promotion Council is composed of members selected from each organization, and they identify issues of high priority. These issues are then worked on in-depth by working groups organized under the Council.

Additionally, the President and in-house company presidents hold monthly meetings under the Safety Promotion Project to share information regarding accidents that have occurred throughout the Group, including to non-employee workers, and to share information regarding progress on measures, etc., in order to take prompt action to prevent recurrence or similar accidents.

A specialized organization has also been newly established to link the meeting bodies and promote information sharing and horizontal deployment of prevention measures on a global scale.

Finally, every business site has its own safety and health committee, or other venue as legally required, established to ensure labor and management can share constructive discussions regarding safety and health strategies and initiatives.

The EBARA Group’s safety and health management is centered on the Central Safety and Health Committee, which monitors the PDCA cycle of safety and health plans. We have also attained ISO 45001 certification at the EBARA Precision Machinery Company’s Fujisawa District, Ebara Refrigeration Systems Haneda, Fujisawa, and Suzuka, and Ebara Environmental Plant Musashino Green Management Office.

Occupational Safety and Health Management System Chart

Occupational Safety and Health Management System Chart


In 2023, we launched a safety promotion project increasing the involvement of top-level management in safety and health management. Division executives now report and share information regarding occupational accidents with all executive officers, fostering awareness of common issues in Japan and overseas.

Additionally, to support the success of human resources, enabling all to work with peace of mind, we will establish a new specialized organization to promote occupational safety with the Human Resources Division in 2024, develop group and global reporting lines, and promote horizontal deployment of information sharing and recurrence prevention by systemically connecting all meeting bodies related to occupational safety. We will foster an even more sophisticated culture of safety in the EBARA Group.

Education and Training

Education and training are essential to fostering a sophisticated culture of safety and eliminating occupational accidents.

We send out a monthly in-house compilation of safety information that reports on the status of occupational accidents, shares safety activity reports from each organization, columns on occupational safety, good examples of safety activities, safety patrol information, and safety protocols designed for different sites such as offices, etc.

The safety and health committees at each base are responsible for conducting safety training most tailored to their activities.

In 2023, due to recent increases in accidents involving forklifts, we conducted safety training for all forklift operators in plants, to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

This training had each operator demonstrate their capabilities in a virtual reality (VR) program. The recording of the operator's virtual driving, as well as scores given by the program, and record of the operator's hand and eye movements were sent to a consultant, who then gave feedback to each operator based on their performance. This feedback allows them to understand their own habits and tendencies, ensuring greater awareness of pitfalls that may lead to accidents.

This training was also available to contracted forklift operators, which allowed many people who work at the Group to participate.

We will continue to increase awareness of safety and health of all people working in the EBARA Group and strive to eradicate occupational accidents through increased cooperation across the Group.

Risk Management

Safety Patrols by Third Parties

EBARA conducts safety patrols internally on a daily basis at workplaces. We also conduct risk assessment activities through on-site patrols by third party industrial safety consultants and experienced plant managers to check for industrial accident risks as well as the status and effectiveness of countermeasures for unsafe conditions or behaviors at plant sites.

Risks identified are immediately assessed on site, priorities are discussed, improvement plans are formulated, and countermeasures are implemented.

After about three months, we conduct on-site inspections to confirm the implementation of countermeasures and manage any remaining risks.

Safety Culture Assessment

We conduct a global safety awareness survey (safety culture assessment) of all employees working in the EBARA Group and contractors stationed in the plants. We use the results of this assessment to understand the current state of safety awareness and identify areas needing improvement. We then develop and implement our safety and health plan.

We will continue to foster a culture of safety in the EBARA Group and strive to eradicate accidents.

Metrics and Targets

Safety and Health Data

EBARA monitors its safety performance using Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) and Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) as indicators, and develops and implements safety and health plans based on reaching reduction targets.

By FY2025, we aim to reduce LTIR to 0.00 and reduce TRIR by 50% from the FY2022 level.

We compare performance against industry standards. In Japan, LTIR compares favorably with the average LTIR for the manufacturing industry published by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
LTIR EBARA (Non-consolidated) 0.00 0.64 0.24 0.00 0.43
Domestic EBARA Group (Including EBARA non-consolidated) 0.65 0.83 0.49 0.32 0.89
Overseas EBARA Group 2.83 2.96 5.81 6.66 5.41
EBARA Group (both domestic & overseas) 1.87 1.99 3.53 4.05 3.41
Japanese Manufacturing Industry (Data from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) 1.20 1.21 1.31 1.25 ※1
TRIR EBARA (Non-consolidated) 2.01 2.18 2.65 1.13 0.87
Domestic EBARA Group (Including EBARA non-consolidated) 3.53 3.13 3.09 2.62 2.84
Overseas EBARA Group 4.22 4.69 9.85 9.61 8.07
EBARA Group (domestic and overseas) 3.92 3.98 6.95 6.74 5.75
  1. Not disclosed until May 2024

Response to Workplace Accidents

All occupational accidents that occur in the EBARA Group, including those involving contractors, are addressed by the organization in charge of safety and health at each worksite (e.g., the Safety and Health Committee or other organization). In parallel, the Safety Promotion Project supervises the progress of countermeasures from management’s viewpoint to ensure prompt response to prevent recurrence of similar accidents.

Follow-up on the implementation status and effectiveness of countermeasures is also conducted during monthly on-site inspection patrols to prevent similar accidents from occurring or recurring, to bring us closer to the elimination of all occupational accidents/incidents.

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