Talent Management

Our people

Vision for Human Resources and Development

The EBARA Group’s vision is to create a corporate group culture of competition and challenge by providing safe and stimulating working environments where all employees, regardless of gender, nationality, or other factors, can conduct meaningful work to their full potential. We will pursue further development of both our organizations and human resources through the implementation of “One Ebara HR,” in pursuit of that goal.

Personnel Affairs and Human Resource Development Policy

The Ebara Group upholds the basic policy of "acquiring diverse talents from around the world with a spirit of challenge and creativity, maximizing their abilities through appropriate competition and challenges in a comfortable work environment, fairly evaluating them, and aiming to foster a corporate culture in which each employee can be fulfilled and grow."

Under this policy, the company considers its employees as "capital," and aims to maximize their value, accelerate the development of a foundation to achieve "sustainable growth on a global scale," cultivate personnel who "compete and challenge," and strengthen optimal placement throughout the group by improvement in global mobility.

Major Policies during the "E-Plan2025" Mid-Term Management Plan


We will provide various opportunities that contribute to early selection and development for those who want to learn and challenge themselves, and establish a system that allows them to aim for their own career changes, while supporting them to work with high motivation in suitable positions.


We will promote the introduction of a globally unified role grading system that will enable local employees of overseas group companies to play more important roles (global key positions), promote the company-wide deployment of global talent development programs, and strategically implement successions both domestically and overseas.


We will continue to implement referral hiring and alumni systems, and promote the acquisition of diverse talents through data-driven methods. Furthermore, we will expand the EBARA New Workstyle to provide a more comfortable work environment for diverse talents.


We will build a "Global HCM (Human Capital Management) Platform" that will serve as a foundation for accelerating the "visualization of personnel" on a global scale, and establish a system that enables the quantitative monitoring of the effectiveness of various HR policies.

Human Resource Development Programs

The EBARA Group Human Resource Development Committee is made up of eight principal EBARA Domestic Group companies. This committee conducts ongoing training programs, and regularly reviews and implements improvements to those programs with the goal of supporting the sustainable growth of the EBARA Group through the development of human resources.

In fiscal year ended (FY) December 31, 2017, we implemented a new personnel system that expanded the roles of management-level employees (section and department managers) in domestic EBARA Group companies. We offer a training program that focuses on providing trainees with the skills and mind-set necessary to thrive in these new expanded roles as management-level employees.

We will continue to further enhance existing programs for both management and employees, and provide various types of self-development opportunities as well.

*“Management-level employees” refers to employees in managerial positions.

Training Program Details

■Career level-based Programs
These are programs offered as shared basic education for the domestic EBARA Group that supports employees at each level of their career to help them develop the mind-set and skill-set necessary to reach their full potential.

Career Level Program Name Overview
Department Manager Department Manager Training Enhancement of awareness as a business division leader, development of skills to strengthen organizational capabilities
Section Manager Section Manager Training Changing awareness to shift from a “player’s” mind-set to a “management” mind-set, acquisition of skills
Newly-appointed manager Management Training Knowledge of current human resource system, acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills for evaluating performance
OJT Leader for new employees OJT Leader Training Acquisition of an understanding of the roles of OJT Leaders and basic knowledge, includes post-training follow-up session
Equivalent to specific post qualifications Business Person Training: Advanced Encouragement of initiative and practical action as a young leader who can motivate one’s own organization
Equivalent to third year of new graduate employment Business Person Training: Basic Encouragement of an independent approach to problem solving by broadening one’s perspective and improving the quality of one's own work
First year of new graduate employment New Employee Follow-up Training Understanding of the expectations of surrounding people, verbal expression of practical work in the office
New Employee Training Understanding of the EBARA Group's current situation and direction, awareness of its relationship to society and oneself

■ Programs by Objective
EBARA Corporation offers original selective training programs specialized for the development of candidates to be the next generation of executive personnel (executives, division managers, department managers). In addition, in 2022 we began the “Leadership Creation School” open-type training program to foster leadership skills for the career level preceding management-level employees.

Program Name Applicable Level Objective
Next-generation Executive Development Program Division Managers to Department Managers Develop candidates for executive-level management
Business Leader B Training Department Managers to Section Managers Develop candidates for division-level management
Business Leader A Training Section Managers to career level preceding management-level employees Develop candidates for department-level management, acquisition of basic management knowledge
Leadership Creation School Career level preceding management-level employees Acquisition of skills necessary for management-level employees

■Special Training (Discussion Program with Executives)
EBARA Corporation offers a training program for two-way communication known as a “Class for Heated Discussion,” in which executives aim to develop young employees through discussions.

Program Name Applicable Level Objective
Discussion Program with Executives Second-year employees Discovery of diverse ways of thinking through interaction with executives

Enhancing Development of Manufacturing Talent

As an industrial manufacturer, the EBARA Group considers the talent development of manufacturing personnel to be of the utmost importance. We pursue the development of our engineers globally through a variety of measures. In Japan, we train new hires at our on-site Technical Training Center and have established training programs, mainly utilizing off-the-job training methods, that focus on developing the skills necessary to achieve high-levels of safety, quality, improvement activities, and on-time delivery. Globally, we provide training for engineers, conduct tests, and encourage certifications equivalent to those found domestically in Japan.

In the future, we will further enhance the training content and continuously encourage the development of highly-skilled talent with superior management capabilities that can expertly lead improvement activities.

Engineer Development Training at Chinese subsidiary

Globalization Initiatives

As the world continues to globalize, we at the EBARA Group are aiming to become a truly global group under a “One EBARA HR” personnel system, and are working to further facilitate the collaboration and cooperation between group companies, regardless of country or region. The Group values diversity and inclusion and group companies generally recruit talented human resources locally. We are promoting the active exchange of human resources between both domestic and overseas group companies, as well as between overseas group companies themselves, in order to harness the local expertise and diversity of our personnel.

In FY 2019, 15 domestic employees were seconded to overseas group companies around the world and 7 people were seconded to Japan from overseas group companies. In order to facilitate deeper interactions between the group and increase dispachments, we will continue to develop and implement improvements to various human resources infrastructure, such as increasing personnel allocation capabilities, standardizing employment conditions, and improving working environments.

Revitalization of Working Culture

Purpose of Revitalization Efforts and Identified Issues

The purpose of these efforts is to achieve our aims of sustainable growth and improved employee satisfaction. We identified the following three priority measures and are pursuing action across all levels of the EBARA Group to enhance operational efficiency and productivity.

Increase productivity through reform of operational processes and promotion of changing mindsets

Support individual self-development, especially that which encourages initiative

Explore new ways to support diverse working styles and improve modernize working environments

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and Management Structure

We have set average annual work hours at principal domestic Group companies per employee as the KPI for these efforts. In FY 2019, we were able to achieve an average 1,958 hours worked per employee, a decrease of 110 hours compared to FY 2017 performance of 2,068 hours per employee.

We will continue to effectively manage and promote the implementation of various measures to improve productivity and efficiency, centered on the Work Style Reform Committee, chaired by the President and established in April 2018.

Major Initiatives

Reform of Manager Awareness

The EBARA Group conducts training to promote diversity and enable executive/management-level employees to deepen their understanding of the need to empower women in the workplace. In Japan in FY 2017 and FY 2016, we conducted seminars led by external experts (“Empowering Women as a Management Strategy” and “Organizational Reform Utilizing Diversity of Human Resources.”) We also offer workshops led by external experts that deepen understanding of diversity management through group-work.

Ebara Group Management Training

Diversity Management Training

Improving Meetings

In Japan, the EBARA Group is striving to improve meeting productivity Groupwide through the establishment of standardized operating procedures, such as the sharing of materials before meetings and others. We will continue offering opportunities to employees to improve their meeting management skills through training, etc., to develop human resources that can utilize their time efficiently.

Facilitation Skills Training

Improve Working Environments

In Japan, the EBARA Group is working on improving desks, conference rooms and meeting spaces, installing in-house satellite offices and centralized booths at our facilities.

Increasing the Number of Meeting Spaces with Monitors

Promoting Telework

The EBARA Group in Japan is participating in the Telework Days Initiative promoted by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as an association providing special cooperation to the campaign, and is encouraging employees to conduct telework.

Employees Participating in Telework at In-house Satellite Office

Conducting Seminars for Male Employees About Balancing Work and Child-care

In Japan, the EBARA Group has been holding seminars for male employees aimed at giving them the skills to create a better balance between their work and child-care.

Seminar on Balancing Work and Child-care

Work-life Balance

Work-life Balance and the Ebara Group

The EBARA group is committed to conducting business in compliance with local laws and regulations regarding employment conditions.

We pursue this through various measures. In FY 2019 in Japan, the EBARA group implemented a new employee time-clock system, that records the "on-off" time of each employee's computer to allow for employees to better manage their working hours, ensure compliance with local labor laws, and prevent excessive working hours.

We strive to provide our diverse employees with the tools to achieve work-life balance and have implemented a number of benefits programs designed to support the work-life balance of our employees. The scopes of the benefits listed below are limited to domestic group companies in Japan.

Some examples of benefits include:

Hourly paid leave /
half-day paid leave

Allows employees to take paid leave in one-hour or half-day units.

Staggered attendance
time scheme

Enables employees to adjust the times at which they start and finish work for reasons such as childcare, nursing care or commute time.

Shortened working hours

Allows employees to shorten their daily work time by up to 1 hour 45 minutes to achieve balance between work and home for reasons such as childcare or nursing care. The scope of this system has been expanded to be applicable for parents of children up to elementary school age.

Program for rehiring
former employees

Enables employees who have left the company for personal reasons such as a major life event to be re-employed according to the company’s needs.

Time off for sick /
injured childcare

Eligible employees can take a maximum of 10 days per year to care for a sick or injured child or take their child to receive vaccinations or get medical check-ups. If an employee has two or more children, they may take an additional five days to care for a child who is not yet of elementary school age.

Time off for childcare /
nursing care

Additional leave is available to employees who must leave work to care for their family.

Telecommuting program

Implemented as part of our efforts to create a more flexible working environment, this program allows those balancing work and childcare/nursing care to work from home or from another pre-approved location.

Volunteer leave / time off

Allows employees to take a leave of absence or time off from work in order to participate in volunteer activities.

Seminars regarding Nursing Care benefits

In FY 2019, we continued conducting the seminars first conducted in FY 2016, regarding how to better balance work and nursing care of an elder. This seminar covers in-depth tips, as well as a detailed description of the benefit programs available to employees. Employees unable to attend the seminar are sent DVDs of the full seminar, so they may also access the information.

We also have created a manual for employees in Japan regarding use of the benefit programs and it is accessible from the EBARA intranet.

Employee Evaluations and Treatment

Introduction of New Personnel System

EBARA Corporation introduced a new personnel for management-level employees in FY 2017 and expanded it to union members in FY 2018. This system replaces our prior seniority-based grading system and eliminates employee classifications such as “career-track” and “non-career track,” with a system that evaluates and rewards employees based on their contributions and demonstrated performance, regardless of age, gender, nationality, or other factors.

Succession Management

As a part of our strategy for sustainable development and under the E-Plan 2019 key message of “Unlimited Challenge toward Growth,” EBARA has started to put more emphasis on developing our management candidate pool and, as a specific measure, has shifted our targets for the Leader A Training program, a special program focused on fostering young human resources for leadership. We are moving from “one-size-fits-all talent development” to a focus on early-selection and enhanced development from a carefully selected talent pool. As a result of this, the average age of participants in the program has shifted from 41.2 years old to 35.5 years old. This program was started in 2005 and has reached approximately 270 total participants.

Performance Evaluation System

In Japan, EBARA Group’s evaluations are based on two parts. The first part is management-by-objective (MBO), where both management-level employees and unionized employees discuss and decide on a number of goals to achieve within the year with their superiors. Mid-year reviews are held to review progress toward these objectives and final performance is reviewed at the end of the year.

The second part of evaluation varies by type of employee. Management-level employees are evaluated based on the “process” of how they achieved the set objectives, whereas unionized employees are evaluated based on their conduct throughout the year and whether they met the expectations of their career-level.

Employees first submit a self-evaluation of these two parts to their superiors for review. To ensure fairness, the evaluation is reviewed by another three levels of evaluators, whereupon the final evaluation is decided.

Employee Engagement Survey

EBARA an employee awareness survey was conducted in FY 2018 for ~9,000 people working at domestic Group companies. In FY 2019, EBARA conducted the first global engagement survey for EBARA Group employees worldwide and we plan to implement measures to improve on issues identified at each level of our organization.

Labor Relations

Basic Approach

The EBARA Group respects the rights of freedom of association and collective bargaining, and the interests of organized labor and its members in the execution of the business of the Group, and acts in accordance with local labor laws. EBARA Corporation and Group companies have concluded labor agreements with the unions representing employees and we work to create positive relationships with them through vigorous and honest discussions in order to achieve our mutual goals of creating better working environments and furthering the growth of the Group.

The results of these discussions are promptly communicated to employees so that both labor and management have the same understanding of matters agreed upon in these discussions.

Respecting Labor

EBARA Corporation and Group companies in Japan, pursue high-quality communication with Labor by conducting regular dialogues with union representatives in spring, summer, and autumn, in addition to quarterly financial closing meetings to discuss financial results of the Group.

Additionally, the EBARA Group respects collective agreements and employment rules, and regularly checks with both labor and management that we are providing all who work with us a fair and equitable working environment.

- Trade union membership rate for FY 2019 at EBARA Corporation is 98% (As of December 31, 2019) -

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