
5 Material Issues

The EBARA Group’s long-term vision, E-Vision 2030, puts forth five material issues to be addressed by the EBARA Group leading up to 2030. By responding to these material issues through our business activities, we aim to achieve outcomes that will increase social, environmental, and economic value.

Alignment with the SDGs

Adopted in 2015, the 17 U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) establish a framework to build an inclusive and sustainable world.
The EBARA Group aims to further our contributions to the SDGs and help realize an inclusive and sustainable world through the pursuit of solutions to our identified material issues, while simultaneously increasing the social, environmental, and economic value we generate. We believe this will earn us greater corporate value and recognition as an excellent global company.

Our material issues and the SDGs they are most aligned with were determined through discussions by leadership, including Independent Directors, and outside experts.

Materiality Determination Process

Step 1

Since its founding in 1912, the EBARA Group has continued to grow by supporting social and industrial infrastructure with products and services developed with Netsu to Makoto (“passion and dedication”) that meet the needs of every era. The first step toward determining our material issues was to reassert our commitment to further build on our strengths, our technological capabilities and reputation for reliability, with the EBARA Way at the core of everything we do, and to take on the challenge of solving social and environmental issues through our business.

Step 2

During the discussions of what is material to the EBARA Group’s sustainability, the Board of Directors took into account internationally recognized issues such as the SDGs, as well as frameworks for CSR/ESG such as the GRI Guidelines and ISO 26000.

Step 3

The deliberations of the Board of Directors regarding E-Vision 2030 resulted in a vision for the Group to contribute to the resolution of environmental and social issues through the provision of products and services while increasing our economic and corporate value. The Board identified five issues material to achieving this vision throughout this process.

Measures to Solve Material Issues

Material Issue 1. Contribute to the creation of a sustainable society

SDGs Relevant to Material Issue

SDGs Relevant to Material Issue

Major Issues being Faced by Society and Customers

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Intensification of disasters caused by abnormal weather

Improvement of social infrastructure and efficiency in association with population growth and economic development

Increasing water demand in developing countries, improvement of water infrastructure and efficiency

Renewal of deteriorating infrastructure

Food supply issues, etc.

EBARA Group’s major initiatives

Increase in energy efficiency of products and reduction of weight

Reduction of environmental impacts

Development of technologies and products that can contribute to reducing environmental impacts

Stable supply and operation of social infrastructure related to water and waste treatment, etc.

Examples of the EBARA Group’s Initiatives

(1)Creating a water purification and water supply business model for developing countries

With the goal of supplying water to 600 million people across the world, one of the targets of E-Vision 2030, we have partnered with a German startup company to create a highly sustainable water supply business model for regions faced with poverty and vulnerable economic and social systems.

We have set up WaterKiosk®, a facility that operates water purification equipment using photovoltaic power generation to produce and sell drinking water, on the site of a school for children with disabilities in Machakos, Kenya. The drinking water produced by this facility is provided to the school free of charge and the surplus water is sold to local communities with its fees intended to cover operating expenses and future maintenance costs, which realizes a highly sustainable system that can operate as an independent business. In addition, non-potable water is used for fish farming and vegetable cultivation on the school premises, and the cultivated fish and vegetables are provided as school lunch. This project received a special award in the 5th Japan SDGs Awards.

Also, in inland Brazil, where power supply infrastructures are insufficient, we are providing solar pumps that utilize solar power generation to supply water required for agriculture and the daily lives of people.
We will deliver water to people around the world with products and units that are aligned with regional environments and needs.

(2)Creating a society with no concerns for water or food, by contributing to labor-saving and automation of land-based aquaculture systems

In the field of smart aquaculture (aquaculture environment management using ICT), we are working to build a closed-loop land-based aquaculture system and services by utilizing our fluid and heat related technologies.
By maximizing our value proposition in combination with the technologies of our partners, we aim to create a world where people can continue to eat delicious fish in a sustainable manner.

Material Issue 2. Elevate standards of living and support abundant lifestyles for all

SDGs Relevant to Material Issue

SDGs Relevant to Material Issue

Major Issues being Faced by Society and Customers

Realization of Society5.0

Contributing to the evolution of technologies such as IoT, autonomous driving, AI, clouds, and 5G, and expanding their demand

Creation of new businesses and technologies

EBARA Group’s Major Initiatives

Development of semiconductor manufacturing equipment in response to the semiconductor evolution roadmap

Remote monitoring and failure prediction for social infrastructure

Technology provision and collaborative research through business alliances and investments, etc.

BARA Group’s Major Initiatives

Development of semiconductor manufacturing equipment in response to the semiconductor evolution roadmap

Remote monitoring and failure prediction for social infrastructure

Technology provision and collaborative research through business alliances and investments, etc.

Examples of the EBARA Group’s Initiatives

(1)Contributing to the realization of our future society through the evolution of semiconductor manufacturing equipment

The goal of the future society described in Society5.0 is to achieve both economic growth and the resolution of social problems through high-level integration of cyberspace with the real world.
In applying advanced technologies such as IoT, robots, AI, and big data for solving problems related to topics including energy, environmental/climate change, food supplies, disaster prevention, medical care, and nursing care, semiconductors will play an essential role.

The “Challenge to 14Å,” which has been set as a goal to be achieved in E-Vision 2030, is the challenge to successfully produce high-performance, energy-saving semiconductors that will contribute to the realization of Society5.0.

We have entered the market for EUV exposure device exhaust systems and have begun their shipment. We have also launched chillers for semiconductor equipment through collaboration between the Precision Machinery Business and Chillers Business.
We have begun expanding our production lines to respond to the demand for semiconductors, which will continue to grow in the future.

(2)Technology provision and collaborative research through business alliances and investments

The EBARA Group is applying the technology it has cultivated in the fields of water, air, and the environment since its establishment, toward the development of new businesses and the creation of new business models that can contribute to resolving social problems. The Group is doing so by forming business alliances with and making investments in startup companies and venture companies who have a strong stance aligned with the purpose of the EBARA Group’s existence - to support society, industry, and daily life, as well as dispatching employees to them.

【Examples of alliances】
・Investment in Spiber Inc., and business alliance in the field of structural protein materials manufacturing
The EBARA Group will make contributions through our technology to increase the efficiency of manufacturing process of Spiber, who aims to industrialize structural protein materials, which are expected to become sustainable next-generation key materials. In addition, we will proceed with discussions to improve the EBARA Group’s existing products by utilizing structural protein materials.

Material Issue 3. Comprehensive Environmental Management

SDGs Relevant to Material Issue

SDGs Relevant to Material Issue

EBARA Group’s Major Issues

Reduction of GHG emissions

Application of renewable energy

Resource recycling, etc.

EBARA Group Action

We strive to lower our environmental footprint by searching for innovative ways to lower the CO2 emissions of our production processes. We are aiming to reduce GHG emissions from EBARA Group business activities 26% by 2030 compared to Scope 1 & 2 emissions from FY2018.

(1)Reducing GHG Emissions

In Japan, our business sites utilize waste-to-energy generated by the Environmental Plants Business, which is commissioned by local governments to operate waste treatment plants. We will strive to minimize the environmental impact of our business activities and promote CO2 emissions reduction, including maximizing the use of renewable energy, in order to achieve carbon neutrality.

(2)Strengthening Global Environmental Management

As set forth in E-Vision 2030, we are pursuing comprehensive environmental management. As a part of that we plan to complete the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification for all Group companies that have manufacturing and maintenance plants by 2024. As of January 2021, 8 domestic group companies and 17 overseas group companies have acquired ISO 14001 certification.

We are promoting the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification by overseas Group companies. This will allow us to conduct more comprehensive environmental management, improve environmental performance, including the reduction of CO2 emissions, and further ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Related Information

Material Issue 4. Promote working environments that encourage challenge

SDGs Relevant to Material Issue

SDGs Relevant to Material Issue

Core Issues Addressed

Innovation from increased diversity

Development of human resources capable of working globally

Maximizing and utilizing the capabilities of each individual

High-speed business processes

EBARA Group Action

The Group will foster a corporate culture that encourages competition and embraces challenge.

(1)Global Engagement Survey

Since fiscal 2019, we have been conducting a global engagement survey of all employees of domestic and overseas Group companies to find out what they think about the company and their work.

Based on the results of the survey, we formulated and implemented action plans to improve engagement throughout the company and in each division, and as a result, the number of positive responses from employees increased compared to fiscal 2019. In particular, the categories of "sustainable engagement" and "management team," which are comprehensive indicators, improved due to enhanced communication from management. In addition, prompt and effective COVID-19 prevention measures resulted in an increase in positive responses in the category of "safety." Our KPI is to achieve at least 83% in the "Sustainable Engagement" category by 2030.

Partial Results of the FY20/12 Survey
Survey Categories Percentage of positive responses
(EBARA Group)
Sustainable Engagement* 78% (+3%)
Management Team 64% (+5%)
Safety 79% (+4%)
*Refers to a high sense of belonging to the organization, which is maintained by a productive work environment, physical and mental health measures, etc.
(): % Difference from FY19

(2)Promote digital transformation (DX) and employ highly skilled, specialized human resources to bring about further growth and strengthen competitiveness

To realize truly global management, we are introducing an ERP (enterprise resource planning) system by the end of 2024, aiming to standardize global operations.
We will build a dedicated implementation system (about 70 people including mid-career hires and internal personnel) and strengthen the organizational execution system.

Project Overview

Project Overview

Related Information

Material Issue 5: Enhance corporate governance

EBARA Group Action

EBARA has been evolving its Corporate Governance System in phases to facilitate the Company’s sustainable growth and fulfill its social responsibilities. We will continue to implement Governance best practices, including looking to leading companies outside of Japan to act as our benchmarks.

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Sustainability Menu

Inquiry about sustainability