Table 1 Physical and chemical properties of Pd doped resins
Items Unit Results
Appearance - Black beads
Uniformity coefficient - 1.1
Mean bead size mm 0.64
Shipping weight g/L 680
Density g/mL 1.07
Water retention % 64
Table 2 Application effects of Pd doped resins to PWR nuclear power plants
Bed height of
Pd resins
Decomposion rate of H2O2 Resin life extension
50 mm 20 % 1.25 times (= 1÷0.8)
100 mm 37 % 1.6 times (= 1÷0.63)
200 mm 60 % 2.5 times (= 1÷0.4)
300 mm 75 % 4.0 times (= 1÷0.25)