EBARA Corporation (EBARA) was selected, for the second straight year, as Excellent Contractor in “the 2018 Mechanical Equipment Construction in Completion Work” by Japan Sewage Works Agency (JS).
1. Background
Sewage is an infrastructure playing roles essential to life such as treating wastewater and discharging water. EBARA resolves issues in sewage through multidiscipline engineering of provision, design, procurement of facilities including pumps and fans, mechanical equipment construction, and after-the-sale services.
2. Overview
This selection was a result of evaluation of excellent construction works ordered by JS, which EBARA completed in the fiscal year 2018.
3. Future Plan
In EBARA’s long-term vision “E-Vision2030”, we will support the sustainable, "environmentally-friendly world with ample food and water, and safe and reliable social infrastructure” and aim to “to contribute to building sustainable society”.
In Japan, there are many infrastructure facilities including sewage that are over 40 years old. For those aging facilities, EBARA proposes renewals and life-extension technologies and shores up to strengthen social infrastructure. Also, against floods and river floods caused by typhoons and others, we promotes pumps with improved drainage capacity as well as highly reliable facilities that operate surely.
The EBARA Group will achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and further enhance the corporate value through tackling the ESG materiality in accordance with our long term vision and medium term business plan.

| Contribute to the creation of a sustainable society