Compressors, turbines, and cryogenic products

Elliott brand products

We supply compressors, turbines, and cryogenic products under the Elliott brand. These products are used in oil and gas, petroleum refining, petrochemical, LNG plants, and other applications that require rotating machinery and that support the energy industry throughout the world.
In addition, by using the global networks of Ebara and Elliott, we are able to provide exceptional services and support to customers all over the world.
The Elliott brand strives to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society through cutting-edge technologies, high-quality products, and highly reliable services.

Products introduction

Introduction of delivery record

Elliott refrigerant compressor installed in an MTO (methanol to olefin) plant in China

Elliott refrigerant compressor installed in an MTO (methanol to olefin) plant in China

Refrigeration compressors cool pyrolyzed process gas in MTO applications, an integral step in propylene and ethylene production.

The Elliott largest Compressor Installed in PDH plant in the U.S.A

The Elliott largest Compressor Installed in PDH plant in the U.S.A

At the time of installation, this single-bodycompressor was the largest centrifugal compressor ever manufactured for hydrocarbon service. The unit is central to propylene production at a southwest US petrochemical plant.

Elliott Steam Turbine Installed at a northeast U.S. Petrochemical Plant

Elliott Steam Turbine Installed at a northeast U.S. Petrochemical Plant

This was shipped fully assembled by barge to the ethane cracker plant where it drives the crack gas compressors.

Elliott Cryodynamics® pump installed in an LNG receiving terminal<br>(&quot;Cryodynamics&quot; is a registered trademark of the Elliott Group in the United States.)

Elliott Cryodynamics® pump installed in an LNG receiving terminal
("Cryodynamics" is a registered trademark of the Elliott Group in the United States.)

To date, Cryodyonamic Products has supplied more than 100 cryogenic pumps to this receiving terminal in South Korea. This is one of four high-pressure (HP) pumps installed at the facility. Due to the cryogenic operating temperature, condensation turns to ice during commissioining.

Feature content

Visit the Elliott Group’s website for detailed product information, services, and deployment examples of compressors, turbines, and cryogenics products.