EBARA CORPORATION (EBARA) has launched “The CP Hydrogen Business Project” that is under the direct control of the President. We will contribute to creating sustainable society, where the realization of hydrogen society is essential.
In our long-term vision, “E-Vision2030”, we aim to contribute to the creation of sustainable society. In pursuit of the further development of the company by offering solutions for social issues, it is essential for the EBARA Group to develop new businesses or business models that will satisfy needs of a society as well as customers. Therefore, we have established the Corporate Project (CP) System effective on August 1. Our aim is to create vigorously and promptly a new business with seeds gained from R&D or marketing activities.
The CP System is under the direct control of the President. The requirements of a project are; to be in line with the theme of the medium-term management plan, to have potential growth of business scale above a certain level, to take medium to long term to launch a business due to a difficulty of execution, and to require involvement of multiple business units plus brand-new ideas or knowledge.
The CP Hydrogen Business Project is the first project established under the CP System. Along with the global movement of carbon free society, we will respond to related demands of hydrogen, the market will be expected to expand rapidly. The project team consists of Marketing Strategy Unit that does research and analysis and Technology Development Unit that takes a lead of developing products.
Under the CP System, the EBARA Group will promote a creation of a new business beyond the existing business domains and contribute to sustainable society.
The EBARA Group aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing material issues identified in its long-term vision and executing the medium-term management plan to increase corporate value.