1. Background
We have been releasing an integrated report since 2015 to communicate the EBARA Group's medium- to long-term value creation from both financial and non-financial perspectives and to deliver the information to a wide range of stakeholders.
2. Overview
The report describes the Group’s value creation story, focusing on the connectivity between sustainability and business while explaining in depth about the medium-term management plan, E-Plan 2025, the first year of which is 2023.
The EBARA Group Integrated Report also includes an updated version of the Strategic Table of Technological Elements, a feature that was included in last year’s report and received a strong response; as well as an excerpt from a dialogue between the Chairman of the Board of Directors and institutional investors.
3. Future plan
We will continue to engage in dialogue with our shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders in an effort to foster relationships of trust.
The EBARA Group aims to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by addressing material issues identified in its long-term vision and executing the medium-term management plan to increase corporate value.