Water infrastructure market

Creating a sustainable society where people around the world can live safely, securely, and comfortably through the development of social infrastructure

Proposing optimal engineering solutions that meet customers' needs to solve social issues

In the field of infrastructure facilities such as pumping stations, sewage treatment plants, water purification plants, tunnels, and irrigation and agriculture, we provide comprehensive support ranging from new construction to after-sales services, inspections, and maintenance, as well as solutions tailored to the features (characteristics) of each facility. By utilizing the plant design know-how, which we have cultivated over many years, we are able to respond to the needs of the customers in Japan as well as overseas with our diverse lineup of pumps and wide range of products, from tunnel ventilation systems to electrical control equipment. EBARA is committed to contribute to the construction of safe and secure social infrastructure around the world by proposing and providing comprehensive solutions to resolve social infrastructure issues.

Our solutions/activities, initiatives, and deliverables

Our activities and initiatives in the market

The Infrastructure Company has installed pumps at more than 1,000 drainage pump stations nationwide. We provide sewerage and drainage treatment systems across Japan and have worked on one of Japan’s largest drainage pump stations, protecting people's lives from the risk of flood disasters. We also supply agricultural pumps to Japan and the rest of the world to ensure abundant food production. In addition, we provide ventilation fans for major tunnels in Japan, with ventilation control and smoke exhaust functions to realize safe and secure tunnels. We support people's daily lives by proposing optimal, customer-driven solutions in various fields such as water treatment, agriculture, and transportation.

Technology to support a safe and comfortable way of life

We have delivered pumps to a national project in China and drainage pump stations in Japan to eliminate water shortages, protect communities from flood risks, and support people's lives. We have also delivered ventilation systems to the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line to provide a safe and comfortable driving environment. The Infrastructure Company has an extensive track record of delivering products in a wide range of fields, including the effective use of water resources, flood prevention measures, and infrastructure maintenance and management, contributing to the lives of people and further development of society around the world.

Actions for the future

We will combine all the strengths of the EBARA Group to generate synergy, use this group's collective strength to solve social issues, and aim for a prosperous and comfortable next 100 years.

Zero flooding

In recent years, severe flood disasters have occurred due to extreme weather, requiring countermeasures. By manufacturing pumps for domestic and overseas drainage pump stations, we aim for a future in which global flood damage is reduced to zero.

Water for desert regions

In order to create a future where everyone in the world has an access to water, we strive to contribute by eliminating the shortage of global water resources, leveraging on the technologies we have cultivated in the fields of water supply, sewage, and agricultural water fields in Japan.

Service and support

Supply examples

Solution technology

Click here for an introduction to the Infrastructure Company

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